We are thrilled to announce that Dr Alessio Fasano is our keynote speaker at this September’s ‘Meeting the Microbiome’ CAM Conference. Also taking the stage is Professor Tim Spector and Ben Brown, but 150 places have already sold – so make sure you book today to avoid missing out!

Dr Alessio Fasano

Alessio Fasano, portrait, headshot

Celiac Disease Genomic, Environmental, Microbiome and Metabolomic Study (CDGEMM): A Paradigm of Multi-omics in Autoimmune Diseases.

Alessio Fasano is a world-renowned pediatric gastroenterologist, research scientist and entrepreneur, and directs the Center for Celiac Research and Treatment at MassGeneral Hospital for Children. Alessio is also division chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition and director of the Mucosal Immunology and Biology Research Center at MGHfC. Not only this, but Alessio is the author of Gluten Freedom, a book published in spring 2014 by Wiley Health on coeliac disease, gluten-related disorders, and the gluten-free diet.

Prof Tim Spector


Tim Spector is a professor of genetic epidemiology and director of the TwinsUK Registry at Kings College, London. Through genome-wide association studies his group have found over 400 novel gene loci in over 30 disease areas. He has published over 700 research articles and is ranked as being in the top one per cent of the world’s most published scientists by Reuters. He is holder of a prestigious European Research Council Senior Investigator Award to study epigenetics, as well as many other awards and grants. He is the author of several books, focusing on osteoporosis, genetics and epigenetics, and has been featured widely in the media.

Ben Brown


Metabolic endotoxemia: clinical consequences and nutritional therapy.

Ben Brown is a naturopath, science writer and speaker. He teaches nutritional medicine, speaks internationally, as well as contributing regularly to industry magazines and peer reviewed scientific journals. Ben also works in natural product research and development, and has previously maintained a private practice. Ben will cover topical themes of leaky gut, the gut-brain connection, chronic diseases such as CVD, obesity and diabetes, dietary management and nutritional supplements such as pre and probiotics.

Tickets are on sale now; you can book yours at www.ihcanconferences.co.uk.

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