IHCAN Conferences

All free to join.







IHCAN Conferences

All free to join.












Our series of hour-long webinars are completely free to attend. Covering a broad range of subjects, simply use the registration links below to register. 

Once registered, you will receive three reminder emails – one a week before the webinar, one a day before and one on the day of the webinar. Each webinar is recorded – you will be sent a link to the recording approximately 48 hours after the event.

The IHCAN Conferences Webinars are provided for professional education and debate and is not intended to be used by non-medically qualified individuals as a substitute for, or basis of, medical treatment. We take your privacy seriously, by registering for any of our webinars you accept our privacy policy.

*Please note, you are only eligible for the CPD hours if you attend the webinar live*

We apply for CPD accreditation for every webinar from:


Tuesday 6 August 2024

18.30 – 19.30

‘IBS and IBD Overlap in Clinical Practice: The Role of the Gut Microbiome and Probiotics’

The human gut microbiota plays a fundamental role in maintaining gastrointestinal health and modulating immune responses. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders seen in primary and secondary care with a prevalence rate of up to 20% in the UK population, whereas Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is less common affecting up to 1% of the UK population. Both conditions can lead to significant disruptions in the gut microbiome composition and function, often resulting in impaired quality of life. IBS and IBD are distinct in their aetiology and manifestation and are multifactorial but do share many common symptoms and characteristics including increased gut permeability, immune dysregulation, inflammation, motility disturbances and changes in the gut microbiota.

Research shows there is a strong overlap of up to 40% of patients with IBD that have reported IBS type symptoms. This has even been seen in those who are in remission of IBD. Those with active IBD are also five times more likely to have symptoms similar to IBS.

This webinar will explore the function of the gut microbiome in IBS and IBD, the impact of microbial dysbiosis and the overlap between both conditions. We will discuss how to classify and manage their symptoms and look at the latest scientific research that addresses specific probiotic strains to reduce and manage the severity of IBS symptoms and manage IBD remission. Probiotic research is emerging as a complementary approach to support remission, reduce inflammatory markers, and improve the mucosal lining.

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About Nadia Lyons BSc (Hons), BSc Nutrition, ANutr

Nadia Lyons holds a degree in Nutrition from The University of Nottingham. She has a wealth of experience in the health and wellness industry and works within the Health Professionals Liaison Team at Optibac. Nadia has conducted educational talks and training within the UK and International markets and is keen to educate others on the importance of the microbiome in clinical practice.

“Thanks for hosting some of the best webinars available to practitioners!”



“I cannot express my appreciation of service and quality of presentations and most of all dedication and exceptional knowledge shared by all presenters.”
Luba Kaplun, nutritional therapist

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